Thursday, November 20, 2008

On Stupidity Part I and Part II

Part of my professional development goal this year is to look at information literacy and how it relates to the “digital natives” I have as students. I’ve been pondering reading things like Born Digital and The Dumbest Generation, but I’ve recently discovered a couple of Chronicle of Higher Education articles on the role of a liberal education in an increasingly digitized world.

On Stupidity: Part One
The author looks at the anti-intellectualism of Americans, amplified by the new “democratization” of information, through the lens of recently published books on the topic and on his personal experiences in the classroom.

On Stupidity: Part Two
The author ponders teaching digital natives.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

The tension between Bella and Edward continues even though they are apart and werewolves have come to town.

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I had steadfastly put off reading this book because by all accounts I wasn't going to be able to stop once I started it. Yes, everyone was right. I picked up the new paperback of this book at the airport in Cleveland and had it done before I reached Minneapolis. Next book in the series, here I come! I'm glad it is almost Thanksgiving break!

So, if you've been living in a closet...Twilight is the first volume in the biggest vampire series out there today. It is a love story between human Bella Swan and "good" vampire Edward Cullen. Edward is immortal and Bella is not. Edward could turn Bella into a vampire (which she wants) but he doesn't want her to lose her soul, on the other hand, Edward can't/won't live without Bella. The dramatic tension and fast-paced action make this a great read. Beware. You won't be able to put this book down!

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

This is the first book in the Mortal Instruments series and many of my student readers love the series, so I thought I'd try it. I found City of Bones to be an enjoyable fantasy story featuring "darkhunters" who fight demons from other realms. There are also a few vampires and werewolves thrown in for good measure, and of course, a little romance and a lot of adventure.